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Academic Success Workshops
HOW TO STUDY & LEARN: metacognition, note taking, active reading, the study cycle
with Brian DuMontier

Mon February 10, 9:00 AM
Wed February 12, 2:00 PM
Are your study techniques a lot of hard work that don’t seem to help your grades? Maybe it's because those study habits you developed back in high school aren't enough to sustain your efforts in college.
But don’t worry—we’ll examine how to analyze your current strategies, see what’s working and what isn’t, and come up with new, more effective study techniques. To do this, we’ll introduce you to the idea of “metacognition," "active" notetaking & reading methods, and a model called the Study Cycle to ramp up your ability to learn and retain what you've learned.
The goal is to alleviate some of your academic stress, increase your enjoyment of learning, and hopefully bolster your overall GPA.
This course will also be synchronous via Zoom meeting.
with Brian DuMontier

Mon February 24, 9:00 AM
Wed February 26, 2:00 PM
Time is like money; it is a finite resource that requires budgeting. This workshop is designed to equip college students with the knowledge and tools to organize their days, weeks, and months into roadmaps that guide them into the maximum use of their time in as many ways as possible.
This course is delivered in two morning sessions, the second of which will be a Google Calendar tutorial as led by James Aspevig. Learn how to utilize and get the most out of this wonderful time management tool available in student email.
This course will also be synchronous via Zoom meeting
with Brian DuMontier

Mon March 3, 9:00 AM
Wed March 5, 2:00 PM
Test stress is natural and helps to keep you mentally and physically alert, but too much may cause physical distress, emotional upset, and concentration difficulties. As it snowballs, test stress becomes fully blown test anxiety which impacts your ability to perform on an exam. This workshop will teach you two important test taking skills:
- Methods to help reduce psychological and physical distress to keep your test stress manageable.
- Test taking strategies known as "test wiseness" that will give you an extra edge as you methodically break down each question.
Improving your beliefs and attitudes about the test-taking experience may actually help you enjoy studying and may improve your performance.
This course will also be synchronous via Zoom meeting